viernes, julio 27, 2007

Lo se

Te descubri cosas que ni tu te conoces...

miércoles, julio 25, 2007

Catch and Release

I told them all the great things I know about you and there were a lot. I was up there for a while. I didn't tell them everything, though. I left out the complicated stuff, like how it took losing you forever for me to truly find you. And how finding you turned me into someone else entirely. That's not what they came for. People want to hear you were great. Not that were great, but also, sometimes, not so great. They want to know I miss you. Not that while I've been missing you, I've fallen for someone else. It's weird, though. I feel like the only one who would understand this is you. In a way, that makes sense. He was the one person you were yourself around. Of course he'd be that same person for me. Anyway, I left all that out and I kept it simple. I told them I loved you and that's the truth...

...que buena peli

martes, julio 24, 2007

ya regrese!!!

Hola, hola a todos,

Bueno, pues despues de un descansito jejeje, ya estoy de vuelta.

Este post es para avisarles que ya me estare dando mis vueltas por aqui otra vez por que ya tenemos Ale renovada y mejorada auuuushhhhhhh!!! y para platicarles que el lunes comienzo a trabajar oficialmente jejeje, asi es que esta semana FIESTA!!! todo lo que se pueda porque ya se me acabo el veinte aaauuuushh!!

Asi es que chicos, SALUD!!!